~Article 2~ Until recently, Samsung was lagging behind its competitors in terms of AI research and development. However, recently, Samsung was recently started to make the move to not just get up to the point of its competitors in that specific field, but to take the top spot as well. Currently, Samsung is the largest provider of data storage products in the world, selling 500 million connected devices per year. In 2018, Samsung started their intention of becoming leader of artificial intelligence by organizing the Articifial Intelligence Summit and bringing together 300 university students, tech experts, and leading academics to explore ways of accelerating AI research and developing the best commercial applications of AI. The leader of their AI research team, Dr. Larry Heck, emphasiezed the need for collaboration within the AI industry in order to allow the AI secene to florish. Samsung has also created their own AI assistant, Bixby, which is not only open to developers so it can be integreated to other products, but is contextually aware and understands natural language, allowing it to perform tasks with higher precision.